$ java -jar taq.jar black-is-white
Running query color_query in global scope color_query((name=“white”, red=255, green=255, blue=255))
Running query dyna_query in global scope dyna_query(dyna_list(name=white, red=255, green=255, blue=255))
Running query list_query in global scope list_query(axiom_list(name=“white”, red=255, green=255, blue=255))
black-is-white.taq shows updates of term values in three different contexts. Each demonstration changes the color “black” into “white”. The color is specified by both name and red-green-blue components.
The “color_query” query selects the “inverse” template to transform axiom “color_axiom”. The white color values are returned as expected.
The “dyna_query” query selects the “dyna_inverse” template to change the first item of dynamic axiom list “dyna_list”. he white color values are returned as expected.
The “list_query” query selects the “list_inverse” template to change the first item of the “axiom_list” axiom list. The white color values are returned as expected.