
$ java -jar taq.jar declarations

Running query query_sample in global scope 


declarations.taq reveals important details about variable declarations made in what is called the “template scope”. This is optionally placed before the template body. enclosed in {} braces and contains declarations that are private to the template. One important reason for privacy may be to prevent input data being relayed to the template solution. What is demonstrated in this example

  • template scope variables must be typed and cannot be assigned a value

  • template scope variables are private, which is why the query solution only contains term “d”

  • it is good practice to use template scope variables for collecting input data

  • numeric types all have a default value of zero, hence check a ? a == 0 is correct

axiom bcd (b,c,d) { 29.2, true, decimal 1234.56 }

template sample
integer a,
double b,
boolean c
a ? a == 0,
b ? b == 29.2,
c ? c == true,

query<axiom> query_sample(bcd:sample)