
$ java -jar taq.jar logic-chain

Running query greek_business in global scope 
delivery(name=Marathon Marble, city=Sparta, fee=61, freight=16)
delivery(name=Acropolis Construction, city=Athens, fee=47, freight=5)
delivery(name=Agora Imports, city=Sparta, fee=49, freight=16)
delivery(name=Spiros Theodolites, city=Milos, fee=57, freight=22)


logic-chain.taq demonstrates a chained query used to aggregate data from 3 different tables organized as axiom lists. The “greek_business” query consists of 3 stages
which do the following operations in turn

  1. Collect data for one customer
  2. Add fee matched on customer code
  3. Add freight matched on customer city

To chain a query stage, link it to the preceeding stages using a -> right arrow. The “greek_business” query chains stages 2 and 3

query<axiom> greek_business(customer:customer) -> (code_fee:account) -> (shipping:delivery)

Chaining is appropriate when it is known in advance that there is only a single solution is required to complete a query iteration.

template customer(name, city, code)
template account(code ? customer.code, fee)
template delivery(
name = customer.name, city ? customer.city,
fee = account.fee, freight

query<axiom> greek_business(customer:customer)
-> (code_fee:account) -> (shipping:delivery)

axiom list customer()
{"Marathon Marble", "Sparta", "MRT"}
{"Acropolis Construction", "Athens", "ACR"}
{"Agora Imports", "Sparta", "AGR"}
{"Spiros Theodolites", "Milos", "SPT"}

axiom list code_fee (code, fee)
{"MRT", 61}
{"ACR", 47}
{"AGR", 49}
{"SPT", 57}

axiom list shipping (city, freight)
{"Athens", 5 }
{"Sparta", 16 }
{"Milos", 22}