$ java -jar taq.jar receive-student-scores
Running query marks in global scope
student_marks(report=George english:b+ maths:b- history:a-)
student_marks(report=Sarah english:c+ maths:a history:b+)
student_marks(report=Amy english:b maths:a- history:e+)
receive-student-scores.taq demonstrates a function returning an axiom list that is passed to an attached receiver termplate . The name given to the list is the same as that of the function. The axiom list content is declared as an archetype declaration
$ template<axiom> alpha_grades (string subject, string mark)
This list is readily identified in the receiver by it’s name - “convert_grades”. A cursor is bound to this list by using the same name
flow school.convert_grades(english, maths, history) {
cursor<axiom> convert_grades