
java -jar taq.jar pets

Running query pet_query in global scope 
Lassie is a blonde dog.
Bruiser is a brindle dog.
Rex is a black and tan dog.
Axel is a white dog.
Fido is a brown dog.


pets.taq demonstrates case-insensitive regular pattern matching. The “pet_query” query produces a list of statements containing the name of a dog and what color it is. The source is an XML document containing information on cats and dogs. As an extra challenge for text pattern matching, the species, dog or cat, appears in mixed case.

The pattern consists of fragments to make it easier to understand it’s purpose is to extract the value of three XML tags - species, name and color. The keyword **pattern”” is used to make pattern matching case-insensitive

pattern matchDog (case_insensitive) petRegex

The regular expression has 2 group parametgers “name” and “color”

? pets_info++ #matchDog ( name, color )

{ dogs += name + ” is a ” + color + ” dog.” }

Note the reason there is a branch for when a match occurs is thit it allows the outer loop to continue when there is no match.

string speciesRegex = "<species>dog"
string nameRegex = "<name>([a-zA-z']*)[^a-zA-z']"
string colorRegex = "<color>([a-zA-z' ]*)[^a-zA-z' ]"
string petRegex =
"^.*" + speciesRegex +
".*" + nameRegex +
".*" + colorRegex + ".*"

pattern matchDog (case_insensitive) petRegex

flow dogs_only
{ export list<string> dogs }
cursor<string> pet(pets),
? fact pet,
? pet++ #matchDog ( name, color )
{ dogs += name + " is a " + color + " dog." }

list<string> pets =
"<pet><species>Dog</species><name>Rex</name><color>black and tan</color></pet>",

query pet_query (list pets : dogs_only)