
$ java -jar taq.jar foreign-lexicon2

List contents of workspace/xstream
On Linux:

$ ls workspace/xstream

DE DE.xml FR FR.xml


foreign-lexicon2.taq demonstrates a resource with a provider system name which is enclosed in quotes to allow any naming convention to be used. A system name is used here because the provider is named “xstream”, a reference to the underlying technology which serializes objects to XML and back again, and there are two resources, both using the same provider - “german_colors” and “french_colors”.

The “color_query” queries do not write to the console and instead creates the 4 files as shown in the above directory list. These files are in turn the data source for foreign-colors2.taq. From scopes “french” and “german, there are 4 color names exported in the language of the scope. These color names are imported into foreign-colors2.taq to be used for selection translation. For example a query for German”Wasser” is converted to one for “aqua”.

Notice that both the resource data consumer declaration and the query statement both reference non-existent templates named “german.colors” and “french.colors”. These templates are created automatically in this case, modelled on the paired axiom source in the query statement. The french.colors template archetype is copied from

axiom french.colors (aqua, black, blue, white)

resource german_colors : "xstream" (
{ template german.colors }

resource french_colors : "xstream" (
{ template french.colors }

scope french (language="fr", region="FR"){}
scope german (language="de", region="DE"){}

axiom french.colors (aqua, black, blue, white)
{"bleu vert", "noir", "bleu", "blanc"}
axiom german.colors (aqua, black, blue, white)
{"Wasser", "schwarz", "blau", "weiß"}

query color_query (german.colors:german.colors) -> (french.colors:french.colors)