
$ java -jar taq.jar lists3

london_dice(0=2, 1=5, 2=1, size=3)
london_dimensions(0=12.54, 1=6.98, 2=9.12, size=3)
london_flags(0=true, 1=false, size=2)
london_fruit(0=strawberry, 1=cherry, 2=peach, size=3)
london_movies(movie_1=greatest(The Godfather), 
              movie_2=greatest(The Shawshank Redemption), 
              movie_3=greatest(Schindler's List), size=3)
london_roaches(7,372,036,854,775,530, size=1)
london_stars(0=Sirius, 1=Canopus, 2=Rigil Kentaurus, size=3)

new_york_dice(0=6, 1=6, 2=6, size=3)
new_york_dimensions(0=16.84, 1=9.08, 2=11.77, size=3)
new_york_flags(0=false, 1=true, size=2)
new_york_fruit(0=apple, 1=pear, 2=orange, size=3)
new_york_movies(movie_1=greatest(Star Wars), 
                movie_2=greatest(Gone With The Wind), 
                movie_3=greatest(Spider Man), size=3)
new_york_roaches(35,223,372,036,854,775,691, size=1)
new_york_stars(0=Polarus, 1=Betelgeuse, 2=Vega, size=3)


liss3.taq displays the contents and size of 7 context lists implemented in 2 different scopes named “london” and “new york”. This differs from list2.taq only in that a cursor is used to access the each list.

cursor item(fruit)

Each list is navigated using item++ which simpler than using an index to reference the list directly.

The console out shown above is aggregated from each of 14 queries to show the entire list collection.

$ list<string> fruit
$ list<integer> dice
$ list<double> dimensions
$ list<decimal> roaches
$ list<boolean> flags
$ list<axiom> greatest
$ list<term> celestial

scope london {
list<string> fruit = { "strawberry", "cherry", "peach" }
list<integer> dice = { 2, 5, 1 }
list<double> dimensions = { 12.54, 6.98, 9.12 }

list<decimal> roaches = { "7,372,036,854,775,530" }

list<boolean> flags = { true, false }

list<axiom> greatest
{ "The Godfather" }
{ "The Shawshank Redemption" }
{ "Schindler's List" }
axiom celestial ( a, b, c )
{ "Sirius" ,"Canopus", "Rigil Kentaurus" }

scope new_york {
list<string> fruit = { "apple", "pear", "orange" }
list<integer> dice = { 6, 6, 6 }
list<double> dimensions = { 16.84, 9.08, 11.77 }

list<decimal> roaches = { "35,223,372,036,854,775,691" }

list<boolean> flags = { false, true }

list<axiom> greatest
{ "Star Wars" }
{ "Gone With The Wind" }
{ "Spider Man" }
axiom celestial ( a, b, c )
{ "Polarus" ,"Betelgeuse", "Vega" }

flow fruit
{ cursor item(fruit) }
item++, item++, item++, size = item.index()

flow dice
{ cursor item(dice) }
item++, item++, item++, size = item.index()

flow dimensions
{ cursor item(dimensions) }
item++, item++, item++, size = item.index()

flow roaches
cursor<decimal> item(roaches),
decimal count
count = item++,
size = item.index()

flow flags
{ cursor item(flags) }
item++, item++, size = item.index()

flow stars
{ cursor item(celestial) }
item++, item++, item++, size = item.index()

flow movies
{ cursor item(greatest) }
movie_1 = item++,
movie_2 = item++,
movie_3 = item++,
size = item.index()

query<term> london_fruit(london.fruit)
query<term> london_dice(london.dice)
query<term> london_dimensions(london.dimensions)
query<term> london_roaches(london.roaches)
query<term> london_movies(london.movies)
query<term> london_flags(london.flags)
query<term> london_stars(london.stars)

query<term> new_york_fruit(new_york.fruit)
query<term> new_york_dice(new_york.dice)
query<term> new_york_dimensions(new_york.dimensions)
query<term> new_york_roaches(new_york.roaches)
query<term> new_york_movies(new_york.movies)
query<term> new_york_flags(new_york.flags)
query<term> new_york_stars(new_york.stars)