
$ java -jar taq.jar stamp-duty

Running query stamp_duty_query in global scope 
stamp_duty_payable(100077, USD3,789.00, bracket=0, payable=USD20.00)
stamp_duty_payable(100078, USD123,458.00, bracket=5, payable=USD3,768.32)
stamp_duty_payable(100079, USD55,876.33, bracket=6, payable=USD1,285.67)
stamp_duty_payable(100080, USD1,245,890.00, bracket=1, payable=USD62,353.95)


stamp-duty.taq demonstrates a select default strategy where an execution step is skipped when none of the available choices match. The “stamp_duty_query” query calculates stamp duty, a form of tax applying to real estate, according to sale amount and the bracket it falls into. There is a threshold below which a flat rate applies and no calculation is required.

The bracket range is open at the top amount > 500000 and closed at the bottom amount > 5000, so it is amounts under $5,000 to which the default strategy applies. The default condition is found checking the select index to see if it is the default value which equates to a bracket number of 0

// Flat rate of $20 applies
term flat = 0

? bracket != flat {

calculate duty… }

axiom list transaction_amount
( id, amount )
{ 100077, 3789.00 }
{ 100078, 123458.00 }
{ 100079, 55876.33 }
{ 100080, 1245890.00 }

select sale_bracket
( amount, threshold, base, percent) {
? > 500000: 500000, 21330.00, 5.50
? > 300000: 300000, 11330.00, 5.00
? > 250000: 250000, 8955.00, 4.75
? > 200000: 200000, 6830.00, 4.25
? > 100000: 100000, 2830.00, 4.00
? > 50000: 50000, 1080.00, 3.50
? > 30000: 30000, 480.00, 3.00
? > 12000: 12000, 120.00, 2.00
? > 5000: 0, 0.00, 1.00 }

// Flat rate of $20 applies
term flat = 0

flow stamp_duty_payable
{ currency.USD amount }
term id,
. currency.USD duty = 20.00,
. axiom row = sale_bracket(amount),
bracket = sale_bracket.index() + 1,
? bracket != flat {
duty = row->base + (amount - row->threshold)
* (row->percent / 100) },
payable = duty.format()

query<axiom> stamp_duty_query (transaction_amount : stamp_duty_payable)